Holiday Remnants

IMG_3023{The Reston Town Center in early morning fog, photos by great family friend C. Kelley}

There is nothing like being home for the holidays, where the food is unbeatable, the decorations are inviting, and friends and family make the season festive. This Christmas had to be the warmest that I could remember, and to have the ovens and all four burners on for majority of the day made the house unbearably hot. It rained the entire day, we are talking deluge instead of the traditional snow. But, no matter the consequences, this was still one of the best celebrations, as the majority of the family was together along with friends!!!

IMG_3032 IMG_3043Nothing says utter relaxation like a home cooked meal by my fabulous friend Quy, who takes the time to spoil loved ones when in dire need of comfort. Her bowl of Vietnamese egg noodle soup and fruit platter of Asian pears, grapes and tangerines… are truly delicious!

Here’s to continued good friends & family in the 2016!

4 Replies to “Holiday Remnants”

  1. The sites are amazing and the food looks so delicious. What nice friends you have, K. Nice photos and Happy Holidays to you. Looking forward to many more of your stylish posts in 2016…………………………………………Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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