The Abstract Art of Relaxation

IMG_0810{Sculptural fountains on Lake Anne Plaza}

Lately, I have been reading a myriad of articles on the benefits of health and the occasional “girls night out” with your BFF’s. Researchers have shown that women who stay connected and maintain close ties gain the advantage of a longer life expectancy; experience lower blood pressure, increased immunity and my personal favorite is experiencing complete relaxation over those who stay disconnected.

This weekend our “girls” group met at Café Montmartre a quaint French Bistro on Washington Plaza to discuss life’s problems and came away with solutions to global issues after a few sips of French Chardonnay and eating the most delicious food.  As we share mutual goals, common interest and feelings on most topics, this is why we get along so well. We have even invited new friends into the group and weeded out those who did not have our best interest at heart.

While a bit of stress may be good, and pushing ourselves on a daily basis to conquer the day seems right, there is nothing more fabulous than ending the day and carving out time for ourselves, in which to just relax!!!!


Today I spent down-time in the garden pulling  a few scraggly annuals from pots on the front of the house, and planted a few chrysanthemums to bring one last blast of color to Heath before the extreme cold. I also pulled the remaining pumpkins from their vines and strategically placed them around the house for added decoration.

IMG_0824{Dahlias and Pumpkins}

While rushing to meet deadlines for work or handling stressful situations will always continue,  but whenever possible… relax, in whatever way works for you, it is more healthful than you may realize.

Relax Stylishly!!


10 Replies to “The Abstract Art of Relaxation”

  1. So true Stylish Heath, great conversation with girlfriends is healing to the mind, body, and soul. I don’t meet up with my friends enough. I love the fall pictures but these temperatures still feel like summer. Have a Stylish day!


    1. We meet at least once a month for great conversation and food by choosing different establishments around the Metropolitan area. I live for our “girls night out’ dates!!!!


  2. Hello Stylish Heath, what a nice time it sounds like you had with your friends. Wait though, you discussed some of life’s problems and came up with solutions for some of the global issues we face. You were supposed to be in relaxation mode. Maybe you all were. Wow!!!!! hahahahahahahaha. Did you and your BFF’s cover “gun control” on the agenda? Lol………. Love the pics, very fall like and inspiring to me because it’s my favorite time of the year. Keep up the style and happy autumn to you……………………………


    1. Once the glasses of chardonnay started to flow we discussed a huge slurry of political issues, and did better than Congress by coming up with resolutions in one day!!!!! And, Happy Autumn to you as well!!!


  3. My dearest K,
    Life is too short , enjoy while you can.I love this season when I look at the trees with different color of leaves,so beautiful.Breath in and exhail….
    Love your blog.


    1. I am constantly reading articles on a myriad of topics, but lately they are focused on the benefits of health. Thank you so much for stopping by “Stylish Heath”!!!


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